搜索 林成敏

  • 尹心悳(张美姬 饰)的才能得到了大家的认可,于1919年成为了最早公费留学中的一员。在东京音乐学院里苦修声乐技巧的同时,尹心悳以她自由奔放的性格在众多学生中有着极高的人气。同心德一起到日本留学的洪兰坡(李璟荣 饰)也对她存有不同寻常的感情。可是尹心悳却通过洪兰坡认识了戏剧 艺术协 会的金祐镇(林成敏 饰)并且一见钟情。感情上一…
  • After a few months of social adjustment training, the North Korean refugee Jina moves to a small studio in Seoul and starts her new life. To bring her father to South Korea, she needs money but no matter how hard she works, the discrimination doesn't let her save enough money. One day the broker introduces her to a box…
  • After a few months of social adjustment training, the North Korean refugee Jina moves to a small studio in Seoul and starts her new life. To bring her father to South Korea, she needs money but no matter how hard she works, the discrimination doesn't le
  • 这部剧提出了韩国社会中很现实的子女教育问题。家住江北的敏珠一个人含辛茹苦拉扯着儿子过日子。所幸儿子镇宇是个争气的孩子,不需参加任何补习班一直都是全校的第一名,敏珠为此感到自豪。然而一次英语竞赛中,镇宇的成绩还不如在江南区排名全校20名的敏珠同学秀美的女